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How SCIC facilitation process works

The essence of SCIC operations is facilitating co-creation processes. Members who have skills and interest for the subject are forming a challenge group that works as an independent team in creating the solution. The challenge team receives facilitation and advice on the process, based on needs of the challenge; For example, finding partners, living test labs in the partner network or possibilities for funding.

After the launch, the challenge process may take two distinctive tracks. One for implementing and scaling existing solutions and forming joint-solutions, and one for innovating new solutions. If you wanna know more on what SCIC challenges mean, check the previous post.

Existing Capability Track

When a challenge can be solved with existing solutions by SCIC members and network, the process takes “existing capability” track. Challenges are sought based on expertise and interests of SCIC members, so matching capability is high in probability.

Existing capability is scouted from the main expertise areas that SCIC members have stated. For example, if a company has expertise in built environment and water & waste infrastructure systems, a challenge in Madrid Nuevo Norte in creating infrastructure may be a fit for the company. Then demand for precise expertise is sought, for example expertise in Spain and Sustainable Infrastructure Planning.

The facilitated process takes place in the dedicated team of challenge solvers. The process is facilitated by SCIC, though the solution can be owned, administered and led by the executing team or lead companies.

The process may take multiple forms, depending on the challenge and the team, but it always seeks solution proposals for the challenge owner. It may mean a direct application of a solution or a combination of existing solutions.

The final part of the process is creating a concrete proposal of the solution. The proposal is presented for the Challenge owner, and facilitation by SCIC is finished. The continuation of the solution development depends on the Challenge owner and solution providers.

Innovation Track

If there isn’t an applicable existing solution, the challenge takes an innovation track. The challenge requirements need to be carefully stated, so the needed expertise can be recruited. Forming the team follows the same path as in the Existing Capability Track. The formation follows interests, expertise and synergies of the member companies and organizations.

As a note, the innovation creation process or project itself may happen outside SCIC. Nevertheless, SCIC may assist in finding funding and scout for required resources from the global partner network.

Details of the execution process are negotiated with the parties who are interested in being in the team. So the team may find the most suitable way for the innovation creation process.

The creation process aims to a piloted Proof of Concept or a reference of a solution in use. When this state is reached, it can be finalized with facilitation by SCIC.

The final phase of the project is the same as in the Existing Capability Track. The created solution is shaped into a form of proposal, and is presented to the Challenge owner.

SCIC as a facilitator

In the process, the members take care of creating the solutions. SCIC's role is to facilitate the co-creation process, offer tools and help from the global network. So the solvers may concentrate on what they know the best. Solve the challenges.

SCIC stands for its members, who hold the cutting-edge expertise needed for Smart City solutions. SCIC enables the co-creation of world class solutions and their global scaling.

Read more about What SCIC Challenge means and opportunities in Los Angeles and Madrid.

If you have more questions on the facilitation process, SCIC operations or becoming a member, contact CEO Pertti Kortejärvi:

Pertti Kortejärvi


Smart City Innovation Cluster


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