Visionary leadership for climate-neutral and smart cities
Foresight about global developments policies, economy and technology
Strategy and roadmap support for decision-makers
Data-driven leadership and monitorig tools for maximum impact
Real-life challenges from innovative cities and companies
Real challenges offered by challenge owners
Challenge identification and fine-tuning with challenge owner
Challenge stakeholder and impact mapping
Business-driven solutions to local needs and global markets
Challenges picked up by interested companies
Solvers in different roles, only those involved who can and want to contribute
Information about target market demands and access channels
Expertise, finance and networks
Advisors providing valuable expertise
Private investors scanning promising opportunities
Partners opening global networks and sales channels
Innovative public procurement piloting
Business Finland and EU funding advice
Structured co-creation, digital tools
and data resources
Connecting challenges, solvers, testbeds and living labs across geographical and sectoral borders
Professional fascilitation and structured co-creation process
Incubator and accelerator collaboration, pitching events and hackathons
Digital self-service tools for effective virtual collaboration
Member/partner intranet, ”metadata” about what is where, match-making and finder services
Collaboration platform for challenge-solution co-creation process
Resource sharing platform for effective use of testbeds and living labs
Data sharing platform/ market place
Piloting and scaling in testbeds / living labs
Network of testbeds and living labs to develop solutions in real-life environments with customers and users
Piloting, PoC’s and scaling to other use cases/ markets through partner tesbeds and living labs
Best practise examples and other information from the network