This post introduces the benefits SCIC creates for its members through concrete steps. The operations consist of different phases, and it all aims to fulfill the core reason SCIC exists.
Smart City Innovation Cluster stands for accelerating its members' business operations and exports. The cluster collects the forerunners, who hold the cutting-edge competence for Smart City solutions. This makes SCIC a highly valuable network. Both for the local cluster members and global players, who are looking for cooperators with specific qualifications. SCIC connects and creates a platform for co-creation.
1st step - Establishing the local and global network
“If you want to go far, go together”, says an African proverb. Network creates synergies and possibilities that any company or organization can’t do alone. SCIC connects the operators locally in the Nordics, and globally through a worldwide partner network.
Establishing the local and global partner network has been the main function in the first phase. SCIC has gathered over 100 forerunners as members. This makes SCIC the biggest Smart City cluster in Finland. Read more about who are the members and making SCIC..
2nd step - Establishing the Groups for focused operations
Focus creates results. In order to create more focus, SCIC creates Areal and Focus Groups. The Groups gather together companies with the same interests. As the name suggests, Areal Groups concentrate on operations at a certain geographical market. Focus Groups gathers companies from certain sectors.
Areal Groups
Active Areal Groups are Los Angeles, the USA, and Madrid, Spain, and Nusantara, Indonesia. Find more info about these opportunities behind the links. The Areal Group gathers companies interested in the certain market over the industry borders. Hence, Groups facilitate networking as well.
Members in an Areal Group are in an exclusive tier of communication, and hear directed information on the opportunity. The Members in the group have special access to take part in the export operations.
Areal Groups’ operations differ depending on the location. The project and its unique characteristics define the activities, naturally. To give an idea of the differences, a quick comparison:
In Los Angeles, renewing the whole city heavily into smarter and greener, until 2045. In Madrid, idle areas are regenerated into Smart City areas with €25 billion. Indonesia is building a whole new capital of 11 million people, totally from scratch.
The opportunities are highly different, and located in highly different business environments. SCIC professionals and the partner network are specialized to pave the way and create international cooperation.
Focus Groups
Focus Groups follow the same road as Areal Groups. But instead of geographical location, the focus is on a certain sector and its ecosystem. The aim is to create synergies inside the industry. The first active Focus Groups are Built Environment, Mobility & Transportation and Energy. The Groups will be launched later in 2023.
Launching of the Groups takes place in a webinar series. The series starts with an Info session on 20th and 28th of September, open for all members. It continues with Areal Groups webinars, which are open only for signed members. The first ones launch in October and November. Stay tuned for Member letters and calendar invites to hear from the launches!
3rd step - Focused activities in the Groups
SCIC serves the Members directly through activities in Areal and Focus Groups and common events. In addition to the value of access to the biggest Smart City network in Finland.
The value comes from creating a platform for connections. The Groups facilitate creating connections and initiating co-creation processes. Operations may include. delegation visits, negotiations and matchmaking, among others.
The actions will be decided based on competences and wishes of the Members. That’s why it’s important to share the capabilities and requests on Expertise Platform. Then SCIC professionals can serve the members best, and scout for the most suitable opportunities from its partner network.
4th step - facilitating the creation of joint solutions
When the activities of Areal and Focus Groups generate a Challenge, and a team takes on the Challenge, launches the 4th phase. This is the core co-creation operations of SCIC.
Read more about what Challenges mean in this scene, and how the SCIC Facilitation process works. The facilitation may take two separate tracks, depending if there’s existing solution that can be used, or if the process requires innovation.
This phase creates the results and realizes the business opportunities. Real-life solutions and PoC’s are created.
Members, stay tuned for the Member letters and calendar invites for the communication regarding Expertise Platform. If you have any questions, reach out to CEO Pertti Kortejärvi.
Pertti Kortejärvi
Smart City Innovation Cluster