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Launching the Groups: Webinar Series for Members

SCIC operations take on the fast line when Areal and Focus Groups launch activities. The first ones embark on in October. And more is to come throughout the last quarter of 2023.

The Groups are launched through Webinar serie, and this post presents the roadmap. It all starts with an open Info Webinar for all Members.

SCIC Info Webinar

This Info Webinar shares all the info you need to know, to get the best out of SCIC services 2023. The content showcases the progress and upcoming steps in SCIC activities, and explains how to get in.

Get an overview of SCIC Milestones - the 4 steps, where we are now. The webinar series is the stepping stone into the 3rd phase.

To ensure access to as many Member organizations as possible, there are two Info Webinars with the same content. The dates are on 20th and 28th September, at 13:00.

Contact people from each organization will get a calendar invite, and the Member letter gives more details.

The content of SCIC Info Webinar 90 mins:

  • Updates on the Opportunities

  • Benefits for paid members

  • Next Steps and launching the Groups

  • Introduction for Expertise Platform

  • Q&A

20th of September at 13:00


28th of September at 13:00

Follow your channels, and if any questions arise, please contact Michelle Snarberg ( or Pertti Kortejärvi (

SCIC Launching the Groups Webinars

The SCIC Info Webinar starts the series of Launching Areal and Focus Groups. The dates are announced in the Webinars. Members signed in the Groups through Expertise Platform will be on the exclusive tier of communication. They will get the directed calendar invites and other centralized communication regarding the next steps.

Follow your channels, and if any questions arise, please contact Michelle Snarberg ( or Pertti Kortejärvi (


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